Ok, so i have put this blog off for way too long. But in some senses i have not much to write at the moment as Elias is doing great, and so is Juli and as for China, we still WAIT.
But i have come to the realization that many of the things in my life have required waiting and so it will be again and again for me. And that is ok, because in the end God always comes through with flying colors. His timing is ALWAYS perfect.
On Thursday we begin our book club here at my house on The Hole in Our Gospel, by Richard Sterns. He is the President of the U.S. branch of World Vision and his book has changed my life and the perspective i carry of it.
So, i figured what better way to add to my blog than to follow along with our book club and write a little synopsis of it as i go along each week. Hopefully, if you have not read this book, these blog entries will encourage you to. And even if you have absolutely no intention of ever reading it, i hope you can get a feel for what Sterns is trying to get across to all of us...that God has given us, the world's wealthy, the responsibility for taking care of our neighbors, the poor and destitute of this earth. And if we could understand our part, we all as small pieces can eradicate poverty altogether. And by wealthy he means all of us because we as Americans, no matter what class of income we are in are still among the world's richest.
But there is so much more to it than that. Sterns tells us why it is our responsibility and what poverty actually is and does and how hope can be the driving force for someone struggling in this world... Give them a little hope and you can change their whole life. The thought that i could be the one to help give them that hope humbles me greatly.
Bob Pierce, the founder of World Vision once said, "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God" And he found them in the poor and suffering of our world.
Here is a video that can be found on the Hole in our Gospel website. It speaks volumes to the meaning of this whole book... see you again Thursday afternoon!
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