Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 3...

Day 3, wow! 

Actually we have heard that we should know the decision of our case on Wednesday sometime. As soon as they know, they will call us. So, i think i am going to try to stay up much of Tuesday night praying. While we sleep Tuesday our case will be heard. 

I don't even want to leave the house wednesday...I am afraid that i will break down in public if we don't pass. LOL Reality keeps me from living my fears out though! Good thing.

I am nervous, but confident in knowing God's time is the right time. He so knows ours and Elias' needs. I must trust that.

Keep us in prayer please! And have a great sunny day. Here the weather is gorgeous and mild. Maybe we'll walk down to see daddy for lunch. That will keep my mind off of it.

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