Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 9...

At day 9 I have sadness in my heart. Today 2 families out of 4 did not pass court. That is not the sad part though... 

There is a family that desperately needs our prayers. And I know my friends are mighty prayer warriors!  They are the Semlow family and i can't go into great detail but i can say that the story of their children is amazing and they NEED our prayer. This family will have had their referral for 6 months on March 27th. And there is no end in sight. They have hit a stand still in this process as of right now.  They have been so hopeful and joyful during this time. I am amazed at the example that they have been to me. 

Please remember them. I am putting their family's name up on my window and every night at dinner we are going to pray for them as a family...all of them. 

As for Day 9... praying for them is priority right now. Especially that they feel the comfort of God and His grace during this GREAT trial.
Thank you my friends. I am posting their blog so you can meet their family and know them more personally.

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